What Armed members of Boko Haram/ISWAP told medical doctors wife after his abduction
Close family members have narrated what transpired between members of Boko Haram/ISWAP and the wife of Dr. Bulama Gaidam, the medical personnel abducted in Gubio Local Government Area of Borno State.
Zagazola understand that when the terrorists attacked Gubio town at about 2 a.m, on March 16, 2022, three of the terrorists went straight to the medical personnel's  home and knocked on his door.
"Initially Dr Bulama thought  it was one of his  patients who was seeking for his help at the late hourz of the night but little did he knows that  they were members of the dreaded armed group.
"He quickly ran into his bedroom, switched of the light and then began calling for help from  several persons but couldn't get any help. 
"One of the terrorists who noticed that the light was switched off told Dr. Bulama to opened the door or risk being killed. One other terrorists threatened that the consequences would be much if they break into the house to get.
Consequently, Bulama opened the door and put his hands up. His wife (name withheld), kneled down and pleaded with the attackers. She begged them not to kill him.
"They asked him to lay on the floor, and blinded folded his face with a dark materials.
"One of the insurgents told the wife that they did not come to kill them. they came to pick up the medical personnel because he was useful. 
"They assured her that he may returned if he cooperated and helped them with what they wanted, "Zagazola said.
Resident of Gubio Local Government were thrown into sadness and misery following the abduction of Mr Bulama  who is the only Medical Doctor serving in the whole Council.
Gubio located  about 70kms from Maiduguri the restive capital of the Northeast of Borno state.
The Commissioner for Health, Mrs Juliana Bitrus who earlier confirmed the incident described the it as very "unfortunate and disturbing.
Bitrus  said the ministry would partner with the security agencies to ensure the safe return of the medical personnel.
Mr Mali Bulama-Gubio, the Vice Chairman of Gubio local government who expressed the same feeling said "I was deeply saddened with emotional shocks when i received the information of the abduction of our most dedicated Medical Doctor in Gubio, My friend and Personal-person Dr. Bulama. 
"The news came to me at around 2:57am on wednesday and yet couldn't get a self bearing ever since.Dr.  Bulama when employed as staff of Borno State Hospital Management Board as a Medical Doctor requested to be posted to his hometown in  Gubio to work for his people as way of giving back to them. 
"I can vividly recall when i was serving the Local Government as Acting Chairman, i used to pay an unscheduled visit to the Hospital and Clinics to the see the level of performance of our health personnel's, i will always find Dr. Bulama attending to his patients with outstanding diligence all the time between 6am - 5:30pm daily including week ends at General Hospital.
He never knew that his services are highly appreciated and being sending his performance report directly to his  Chief Medical Director and other relevant stakeholders which led to his promotion to the rank of Principal Medical Officer (PMO). 
"There was a time i deliberately asked him, does this work pays you as a Medical Doctor with all your time and commitments and he said, Honourable, I don't need money, i always enjoy rendering my services to humanity. 
"I know where i came from and despite the fact that every human is on transit, let's make a history and move on! This is our generation and we have no reason to fail. If we fail, we have failed the entire system of civilization and the future will not judge us rightfully and definitely we have done crime to humanity,"he said. 

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