Boko Haram videos while executing 45 ISWAP terrorists in Lake Chad

Atleast 45 terrorists of the Islamic State  of the West African Province(ISWAP), were killed in ambush by its affiliates, Jama’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihad faction of Boko Haram in the North East of Lake Chad, Zagazola Learnt.


The attack was led by one Mohammed Ari, a Deadly Spiritual Warfare Commander of JAS- Loyal to the Bakura Buduma, in Yauma Wango and Ngaama, in Abadam Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno State in March 24 and 28, 2022.


Zagazola Makama has obtained a video showing the brutal mass execution of the ISWAP fighters in an operation which lasted morethan four hours. 


The 6:64 minutes amateur video, shows the  terrorists mostly aged between 15-20,  dressed in a unique attire with their heads tied with a red materials.


Before they were killed, the Boko Haram disarmed the ISWAP of their weapons  and paraded them to a nearby position,  apparently a march to their graves, then shots them at a closed range.


One terrorists was heard saying don't spear any of them. The terrorists later began cutting the throats of the ISWAP, while others were burnt alive inside their Hilux trucks.  


The footage later showed bodies lying face-down in the sand and others that were burnt beyond recognitions. The Buduma terrorists were later seeing celebrating the victory on motorcycles and chanting Allahu Akhbar.


The bloodbath between the two groups of the terrorists has continued to raged especially in the axis of Lake Chad, Abadam, Niger Republic, Sambisa forest and Mandara Mountain with hundreds of casualties recorded so far on both sides within the last one year.


In February 26, the Buduma insurgents bushed and  killed one Abu-Sadiq Burubouru,  Gabara/Galta close to Mandara Mountain in the South of Borno. 


On Feb 9, Another Fight broke out  between the ISWAP terrorists and Bakura Buduma Faction at Tumbus of  Bazarkowo Island in deep Lake Chad. 


On Feb 15, Muhammed Ari, Spiritual Warfare Commander of JAS Bakura Faction was desclered  wanted for spearheading against ISWAP in Kaduna Ruwa, Tumbum Ali, Kirta, Sabon Tumbu, Kwatalo and Mardas General Area of the LCB.


Commanders who participated in the attack included the Khayd of the Buduma’s led by Malam Abdul Faruk, an indigene of Chad Republic and his 2nd in Command one Malam Kaka Modu also a Buduma from Nguimi, Niger Republic.


ISWAP later coordinated a reprisal attack headed by  Amir Mohammed Mustapha, Jubril, Muhammed Yusuf, Malam Hassan, Malam Ba'ana among other, in company of hundreds of fighting Militants, on and killed about 20 JAS Terrorists in Tumbum Gini, Kiri Kiri and Kwantan Mota.

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