Deadly Ambush in Mali Leaves Multiple Soldiers Dead and Missing


By: Zagazola Maka.a


A devastating ambush has struck a joint patrol of Malian and international forces in the volatile region between Say and Tamou. 


Intelligence Sources told Zagazola Makama that  the attack occurred around 11 am this morning July 8, 2024,  between the villages of Ilafari and Djagore, targeting a combined unit of GARSI, GNN, and CMCF.


Preliminary reports indicate a grim toll: at least 14 soldiers have lost their lives, 11 others are injured, with 6 in critical condition, and 21 are still unaccounted for.


Contrary to official claims, sources suggest that the CNSP (National Council of Patriotic Forces) plans to downplay the incident, acknowledging only a single fatality.

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