ISWAP executes 4 fishermen for commiting various crimes 
By: Zagazola Makama
Atleast four fishermen suspected to be Civilian Joint Task Force were executed by the militant of the  Islamic State of the West African Province(ISWAP) on the Island in Lake Chad in the Northeast Nigeria.
It was gathered  fishermen including  one Adamu Guga, from Doron Baga, Ba'ana a.k.a Moto Kura from Dabangiwa Dawashi, Hamisu Dan Gora, from Monguno and Jubril, a local Daban Gajere, in Kukawa Local Government Areas of Borno state, were executed Sabon Tumbu for commiting various crimes.
Muhammed Maina, The Militants Judge in  Marte said Hamisu Dan Gora, was a former member of the Civilian Joint Task Force in Monguno noting that he was accused of estorting from Fulani Hardsmen who normally passed through his checking point on their way to the Daula (caliphate).
He said  that Adamu Guga, who was also a former Civilian JTF member had knowledge of the where about of a large catch of arms that sunk in the water after a military air strike in the axis of Kukawa. 
He attempted stealing the arms from the  Daula (caliphat) to deliver to the Nigeria military in Baga but before he  was intercepted by militant soldiers of the Khilafa.
Maina noted also that Jubril was a former active  member of the  Daula before running away to join the people (Kuffar) in the city.He lied that he was arrested by the Nigerian Army where he served jail terms before he was released, but we believed that he only  returned to the Daula as a spy for the government. 
According to him, Malam Ba'ana, along with two others, at one point traveled to Kirnewa i village and attempted destroying  an ISUZU vehicle belonging to the soldiers of the Khalifa (ISWAP).
On sighting the ISWAP militant, the two friends quickly ran away, leaving Ba'ana who was caught red handed while committing the act. 
Maina  said that the four convicted persons had served a seven months jail terms at the militant detention cell in Jabullam in Marte Local Government area before their final trial and subsequent execution.
It will be recalled that thousands fishermen and farmers  have returned to the Lake-Chad to engage in socioeconomic activities under arrangement of the leadership of the Islamic State West of Africa Province (ISWAP). 
The reappearance of the people from Borno state and other parts of the country to Lake Chad was as result of a call by  the ISWAP, urging locals to return to the Lake Chad to continue their fishing and farming  livelihood activities.
The ISWAP had lifted the ban imposed on fishing and farming activities in the Lake Chad area, four years after chasing them out of Marte, Abadam, Kukawa and Guzamala, accusing them of spying for the Nigerian troops. This appears to favoured the locals and other people who in the passed sneaked into the Lake Chad to engaged in different  businesses with ISWAP. 
Fishing, farming and cattle rearing activities have been bounced back in the Lake Chad  as all routes under ISWAP control are now considered safe by civilians who commute around the area. 
In exchange, ISWAP collects Five Thousand Naira (N5000) monthly taxes from the people who appear very willing to pay. They have also secured trade routes, meaning that everyday commodities that can easily reach the islands.
Zagazola Makama, is a Counter Terrorism Experts and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad. 


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