By: Zagazola Makama 


The entire area of Takanamatt, located in the Tahoua region, in Niger Republic has been taken over by terrorist armed groups, who are imposing their law on the population and forcing them to pay zakat. 


The EIGS (Islamic State in the Greater Sahara) has been collecting zakat in several villages, including Inawaran, Tapkin-zaki, Waza-waza, and Tamakass.


According to eyewitnesses, EIGS members were seen collecting zakat in Inawaran village on Monday, September 2, 2024, and providing receipts to the payees. The population claims that the authorities and the Security and Defense Forces (SDF) are aware of the situation but have failed to intervene, leaving them with no choice but to comply with the terrorists' demands.


The takeover of the region by the EIGS has effectively turned it into a territory of the Islamic State in the Sahara, with the terrorist group acting as the de facto authority. The situation has raised concerns about the spread of terrorism in the region and the inability of the authorities to protect the population.


The imposition of zakat by the EIGS is seen as a means of financing their terrorist activities and consolidating their grip on the region. The situation remains dire, with the population living in fear of the terrorists and the authorities seemingly powerless to stop them.

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