The JNIM-AQMI extends its reach and threatens one of the 3 AES Capitals.

This week, several security phenomena lead us to be interested in a situation that is becoming more worrisome every day, this is the expansion of the JNIM-AQMI which directly threatens the capital Niamey, Niger Republic, eight (8) months after  General Tiani, took over power by Force.  

Meanwhile, Niger Republic has now been  plunged  into a peril never known from memory. From the security point of view, the deaths are counted in the hundreds and the GAT is now expanding their grip on areas that have been spared so far, this is the case in the Dosso region which has its batches every week.

Indeed, after last week's attacks, in particular that of Boumba in the department of Falmey which left three (3) victims, this week also was marked by intense terrorist activity with the ambush of elements of the 71st BSI of Dosso who responded energetically and They were able to repel the enemy. Unfortunately, we counted 3 injured and on the enemy side, we counted a motorcycle, an M80 weapon and a Motorola device recovered. This special intervention battalion is the fruit of cooperation with France and the USA that has enabled the elite unit to be trained and equipped.

The area from Bolbol to Falmey via Gaya now constitutes a new corridor under the influence of JNIM-AQMI which widens its scope of activity as announced by its Emir in the three (3) border area, Abou Mahmoud, in an audio published, on Monday, March 25, 2024, on the Propaganda channel of the Group led by Iyad Ghali and Amadou Kouffa. In this audio, Abou Mahmoud calls for "full-out Jihad against Putchists who sell their country to Russia and Wagner," he also states that they are "gaining ground" and have "the ability to strike at any moment the Putchist capitals Bamako, Ouagadougou and Niamey''.

In the Tillabéri region, the police stations of Ouro gueladjo (Say) and Torodi were the targets, this week, of the JNIM-AQMI who set fire to the sheds that were all empty. At Kirtachi in Kollo division, this is the National Guard post which was stormed by terrorists who freed one of their accomplices arrested for the day. It is easy to notice that the water flows around the capital Niamey, especially to the south and southeast of the city on both sides of the river.

With the feast of Eid el Fitr approaching it is essential that security is strengthened in Niamey to avoid any bad surprises especially on the day of the feast where the great mosque of Niamey presents itself as a perfect potential target in terms of symbol but also and above all with the presence of officers including the CNSP President.


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