Police deploy 6, 000 personnel for a hitch-free Eid-ElFitr in Borno

The Borno State Police Command has deployed 6,000 personnel for a hitch-free Sallah slated for next week.

The deployment followed terrorists’ threats of targeting soft spots in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC), Bama and Konduga councils of the state.

Announcing the deployment, yesterday (Thursday), in Maiduguri, the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Sani Shatambaya disclosed that the terrorists threatened to bomb soft spots during Sallah festivities

We’re ready to provide adequate security for people’s lives and property before, during and after the forthcoming Eid-El-Fitr celebration,” he said. He, therefore, assured the deployment of police personnel to Eid praying grounds and other public places across the state.

He said that this was to ensure the safety of residents during the celebration and beyond. He warned that the police will not hesitate to clamp down on any miscreant who may want to use the period to foment trouble or cause any disruption of public peace.

He urged members of the public to be security conscious by reporting the suspicious movement of persons to the police and other security agencies.

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