Boko Haram terrorists ambush Chadian troops, killed many soldiers


By: Zagazola Makama


Boko Haram Islamist militants on Tuesday killed many Chadian soldiers in attack on an island in Lake Chad.


The Transitional President Mahamat Déby, said that the troops who  were  dispatched as a precursor to install the advance post of the Chadian National Army in the island of Bouka-Toullorom between Ngouboua and Kaiga in the Lake Chsd came under heavy attack.


The Presidency of the Republic Chad, informs national and international opinion that "today, 

the umpteenth surprise attack confirms the  active presence of the Boko Haram in the Lake Chad basin.


President  Debby said that it saw the denger coming which was why it deployed a sizeable numbers of its troops  Baga-sola to galvanise the troops and reorganise the device.


Faced with this situation, the Head of State offers his condolences to the families of the soldiers who have fallen gloriously on the field of honour and wishes the wounded a speedy recovery.


He also  instructed the his government armed forces to adopt appropriate measures in safeguarding the countries borders.


While reiterating Chad's firm commitment to Weedout terrorism in Chad and the sub-region, the Head of State calls on the international community to take full measure of this real threat and to act in Consequence.

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