Hunters kills 3 terrorists, recovered 11 wheelbarrow used for looting food stuffs

By: Zagazola Makama

Atleast three Boko Haram terrorists of the Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād, faction were killed in an ambush staged by hunters attached to Operation Hadin Kai near Maiduguri in the North East of Borno state.

It was gathered that the hunters intercepted the insurgents who were on a looting mission at Wanori Village in Konduga Local Government Area in the night of Monday.

A Hunter who confirmed the incident, told Zagazola Makama, a counter Insurgency Expert in the Lake Chad that the hunter ambushed the terrorists, killing two instantly while others escaped with bullet wounds.

The sources said that after chasing them through their escaped route, it was discovered that one additional terrorist died after he sustained various degrees of injuries.

He said "We also recovered 11 wheelbarrows used in looting foodstuff by the terrorists.

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