ISWAP suffers casualties in Doron Baga

By: Zagazola Makama

The Islamic State of West African Province, ISWAP has lost men  after they attempted to attack a military base in Doron Baga in Kukawa Local Government of Borno state,Zagazola has learnt. 

The terror group armed with rocket propelled grenades and small arms on five guntrucks, were reportedly dealt with when they attacked a Nigerian Army formation in Bundiram, with on Saturday at about 0200hourz.

In a decisive intercept offensive operation, troops of Operation Hadin Kai, had a fierce encounter which lasted for two hourz.

Zagazola Makama, learnt that the overwhelming fire power resulted in the killing of unconfirmed numbers of the insurgents, while several others were injured.

Soldiers who also repelled the attack said, there was a heavy casualty on the side of the insurgents.

According to him, the  insurgents evacuated their dead and wounded fighters through the axis of Daban Masara, Madayi and Gratai. 

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