Nigerian army rescue 2 wives of Police Officers abducted by Boko Haram/ISWAP in Borno
By: Zagazola
The Troops of 23 Task Force Battallion Operation Hadin Kai, have rescued two wives of the Nigerian Police officers abducted by Boko Haram/ ISWAP  during an attack in Dikwa in 28 January 2021, Zagazola has learnt 
Zagazola understand that the victims were rescued  at about  251650A, March  22, by the  troops  while on  routine fighting patrol, along the  road  between Gamboru - Wulgo.
" Preliminary investigation  revealed that Anna  Mohammed is wife of  Sergent Mohammed  Jibrin and Maryam  Aliyu Suleiman is wife  of  Inspector  Aliyu  Suleiman.
Both  women were  abducted by BHT on  28 Jan 21 during an  attack in Dikwa and  taken to BHT prison  at  Jibularam. The  victims were rescued along side 2 male children and 2 female  children. 
Zagazola revealed that both the  women  and children are in  3 Battalion  custody in Gamborun.

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