Troops nutrialised 3 Boko Haram, rescued 9 from captivity 


By: Zagazola Makama 

The troops of 21 armored Brigade, Operation HADIN KAI, have nutrialised three Boko Haram terrorists during a fighting patrol in Bama LGA of Borno State.


The terrorists were naturalized in Churchur village during a fighting patrol by the troops of 202 Battalion in conjunction with Hybrid forces. The troops also recovered 2 dane guns.


Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama, that in a separate Operation in conjunction with Civilian Joint Task Force and HYBRID forces, the troops conducted clearance operations at Angwan Jingina and Bula Marwa on March 30, 2024. 


The troops successfully rescued 9 persons comprising 3 adult females and 6 children.


The troops equally destroyed the hamlets in the camps of Boko Haram while the terrorists fled.

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