Two rescued Chibok girls in stable condition, says Military sources.

By: Zagazola Makama

A Nigerian Military sources has confirmed that Hauwa Joseph and Mary Dauda (Ngoshe), the two rescued girls from the Government Girls Secondary School Chibok, are in stable health condition.

The Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama, a counter insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the LakeChad that the girls are currently at the 7 Division Medical Services and Hospital (DMSH) where they are
undergoing medical evaluation.

The sources said "They are stable, however Mrs Hauwa Joseph and her child Usman have symptoms of malnutrition due to extreme hardship living condition they faced in their captivity.

"It was also discovered that both girls were close friends at the GGSS Chibok, their School prior to their abduction and had never met while in captivity.

"Both of the girls could not hide their happiness as they appreciate all assistance rendered to them by the Nigerian Army.

The Competent military sources said that they would soon be handed over to Borno state government for rehabilitation and to reunite them with their families.

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