TRAGEDY: Boko Haram IED killed 7 farmers, injured 7 others in Borno
By: Zagazola Makama
An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted by terrorists on the Pulka/Firgi road in Gwoza Local Government of Borno has killed seven farmers in a commercial vehicle.
Intelligence Sources told Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency expert in the Lake Chad region, that the incident occurred in the early hourz of Monday, January 29, 2024, when the vehicle conveying the victims ran over an explosive.
The sources said that seven passengers including the driver were confirmed dead, seven others were severely injured while other bodies were shattered into pieces by the explosive.
ISWAP and Boko Haram terrorists have been resorting to desperate but extreme measures to fight back against the crushing intrusion of their enclaves by the Nigerian Military.
They heightened the use of IEDs as their major warfare tactics due to their weakness and depleted capacity. These landmines had in the past days and weeks claimed the lives of innocent civilians - mostly women children in Borno state, Northeast Nigeria.
The IEDs, mostly locally made bombs, account for more than half of the fatalities recorded in the ongoing counter-insurgency campaign in the Northeast.

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