Another Top Commander of ISWAP Hisbah Militant Surrenders to troops of MNJTF


By: Zagazola Makama


Another Top Commander of the Islamic State of the West African Province(ISWAP), Musa Mani  43 years-old has surrendered to The troops of Multi National Joint Task Force(MNJTF), following sustained intensified joint Operations in the fringes of the Lake Chad.


An Intelligence Source, told Zagazola Makama, a Counter Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad.
It was gathered that Mani, who was from Diffa in Niger Republic, surrendered to troops of Task Force in  Damasak and  Malam Fatori. 


The sources said that Mani, a Commander of Hisbah Militant (civil police)  was incharge of supervising activities of the insurgents with a view to ensuring right conduct. He also controls logistics supplies, tax and lavies being paid by fishermen and farmers in the Lake Chad. 


"The suspect confessed that the ongoing offensive by troops of Operation Hadin Kai and Operation Lake Sani made him to escape and surrender. The suspects told troops that dozens of fighters had died while many have escaped due to the fear of being killed. 


"However, Preliminary investigation revealed that he is a high profile member of the terrorists group. The suspect is currently undergiong profiling in own custody. 

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