Army nutrialised 3 Boko Haram, recover weapons, motorcycle in Borno

By: Zagazola Makama

The Nigerian Army troops of 195 Battallion, Operation Hadin Kai on Wednesday nutrialised three Boko Haram insurgents in a fierce encounter the North East of Borno state.
The incident occured on July 26 when the troops on routine farmers protection patrol in conjunction with the Civilian Joint Task force came in contact with the terrorists on several motorcycles in Azaya Kura general area in Jere, close to Maiduguri, at about 1250hourz.

An Intelligence Sources told Zagazola Makama, a Counter Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in Lake Chad, that the troops and the insurgents engaged in a firefight and as a result, three terrorists where nutrialised while others escaped.

The sources said that the troops recovered some weapons and Motorcycle at the end of the encounter.

"The neutralised Bono Haram is suspected to be around 18 years old. during exploitation, traces of blood was also observed on the insurgents escape route,"said the sources.

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