ISWAP eliminates several Boko Haram in a renewed clash


By: Zagazola Makama


A deadly clash between ISWAP and Boko Haram on Friday June 23,  has left many terrorists killed in the North East of Borno State. 


The recent rivalry clash occurred along the road between Gajiganna and Gajiram on Friday June 23, 2023.


Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in Lake Chad understands that some of the Boko Haram fighters on motorcycles staged an ambush to  attack two vehicles of ISWAP which led to a heavy fighting.


In the course of the encounter, several Boko Haram terrorists were killed while their motorcycles and rifles were seized by the ISWAP faction.


The Boko Haram fighters were among those who attacked and killed 8 farmers in Mafa communities recently.

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