Nigerian Troops neutralize bandits in the North West of  Kaduna


-Rescue kidnapped victims, destroy bandits' camps in Chikun LGA


By Zagazola Makama


In the ongoing campaign of taking the battle to the doorsteps of the bandits, troops of the Nigerian Army Operation Whirl Punch neutralized armed bandits in a location several kilometers off Kaduna-Abuja Road.


According to an operational feedback, troops acting on credible intelligence carried out aggressive fighting patrols to Abasiya-Amale area located east of Polewire in Kachia LGA, where they engaged the bandits.


In the fierce battle, the troops overpowered the bandits and subsequently destroyed their hideouts. Troops are still combing the general area at the time of this update, while the corpses of two neutralized bandits have been recovered.


The following items were also recovered: 


-One AK-47 rifle

- Two magazines carrying 38 rounds of ammunition

- One cell phone


There are strong indications that some bandits escaped with life threatening injuries and might be seeking medical assistance in the general area.


To this end, locals are warned to refrain from rendering any assistance to questionable elements, and should instead report such to the security Agencies.

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