Scores of Boko Haram/ISWAP fighters killed in renewed clashes


By: Zagazola Makama 


Scores of  fighters from the Jam’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihd, Boko Haram, and the Islamic State of West African Province, ISWAP, terrorists, including their commanders were killed during an infighting in the North East of Borno State.


Reports indicated that a heavy fight broke out between the two groups at Tumbum Ali Island in Marte LGA at about 1400hours.


The attack was in retaliation of the massive killing of ISWAP fighters by the Buduma factions that had seized most of their hideouts. 


Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad region that 6 boats belonging to the Bakura Buduma faction and four JAS elements boats, all full with fighters were destroyed.


The sources said the casualties on both sides could be more than 60 as the infighting continued. 

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