A Black Sunday in Niger Republic 


Niger suffered a tragic day this Sunday, September 15, 2024 with three complex and murderous attacks on the Defense and Security Forces (SDF) in the Tillabéri, Diffa and Dosso regions, with a particularly heavy toll in casualties (at least 32 deaths and dozens of deaths) of lost reach).


  • Niaktiré, Tillabéri: Dozens of soldiers reported missing


Yesterday, Sunday, September 15, 2024 at about 5:30pm, a position of the Nigerian Armed Forces (FAN) belonging to the Tahoua Special Forces Battalion (BSR) was targeted by a rare violence assault. The attack, claimed by the terrorist group JNIM-AQMI, took place in Niaktiré, Torodi department (Tillabéri region). The assailants, who had carefully prepared their offensive by sabotaging telephone networks the day before, briefed Nigerian forces, who were on mission in the area.


According to a security source, the attacked post had about 130 soldiers, the initial raids give a catastrophic account of 27 soldiers killed and significant quantities of weapons and ammunition taken. However, local sources had warned the SDF of suspected terrorist movements in the Samira area, without adequate preventive measures being taken.


  • Baroua, Diffa: A murderous ISWAP ambush


On the same day, in the Diffa region, terror struck a patrol of the SDF. Around 10:00, near Baroua, an ambush orchestrated by the ISWAP group hit the SDFs. An improvised explosive device exploded as a patrol passed, killing five (5) soldiers and seriously injuring two (2) others.


Moments after this ambush, terrorists attacked a civilian transport vehicle between Toumour and Kinsha, killing the passengers.


  • Tounouga, Dosso: police and customs station attacked


On the night of September 15, another attack hit the Dosso region. The police station in the rural municipality of Tounouga, located just 25 kilometres from Gaya, was attacked by unidentified armed elements. The final report states that two (2) vehicles and two (2) motorcycles were killed and at least one child died by drowning in the Dallol, while trying to flee the scene at the time of gunfire. In addition, the assailants searched and raided the offices of the customs, the police, and the Administrator (AD).


  • The chaos intensifies and the world tightens


These attacks, in three different regions in a single day, perfectly show a dramatic and growing deterioration of the security situation and its geographical scope. It is important to note, not only the fragility of the SDF positions, but also the coordination capacity of the terrorist groups that serve. For the past year, jihadist groups like JNIM-AQMI and EIGS have continued to expand their influence while the FDS, themselves, become increasingly vulnerable, demoralized, disorganized, and struggle to face this growing threat every day.


The current situation is merely a reflection of the monumental mess caused by the forceful takeover of General Tiani and his National Council for the Protection of the Homeland (CNSP). In just a year, they have managed to totally disorganized the Nigerien army, once capable of facing terrorist threats with the support of Western partners. Today, under their leadership, the Defense and Security Forces are abandoned, demoralized and unable to protect the population. The obvious inability of Tiani, Mody, Barmou, Toumba to coordinate an effective response to the jihadist threat only strengthens the influence of terrorist groups in the country. Their erratic and populist management, coupled with total military disorganization, has transformed Niger into a fertile ground for murderous attacks and growing security chaos.

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