Nigerian troops destroys 13 Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists enclaves in Sambisa forest, kills scores, rescue 550 women, children

By: Zagazola Makama

The Nigerian Army Special Forces troops of Operation Hadin Kai have reportedly killed scores of Boko Haram and the Islamic States West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists as its raided 13 camps of the terrorists  in the fringes of Sambisa Forest in the North East of  Borno state, Zagazola Learnt.

It was gathered that the terrorists were eliminated after a crushing intrusion into their enclaves in the long week Operations by the Nigerian Army 402 Special Forces Brigade under  the second  phase of Operation Desert Sanity. 

A Competent Military Sources told Zagazola Makama, a Counter Insurgency Expert in the Lake Chad  that the  troops successfully cleared the terrorists hideouts at Gargash, Bula Musaye, Bula Moruye, Bula Dalo, Landarari, Kote, Yamut, Bomari, jere, Dipchari, Boroshe and Darejimal, in Bama Local Government Area of Borno state. 

Zagazola understand that during the fighting patrol to clear the general areas the troops encountered resistance from the terrorists but overpowered and neutralised scores of them forcing many of them to surrender while the surviving terrorists retreated and fled the scene with bullets wounds.

The terrorists also left behind over 500 women and children including their families and those that they forcefully abducted. 

The sources said that one of the the rescued victims included, Hajja Fusambe, a mother of popular dreaded Boko Haram Commander known as Alhaji Ari Hajja Fusambe, who was taken to Sambisa forest by her son since 2014.

The Sources added that 50 more trapped women and children surrender in the early hours of Wednesday to troops of 21 Special Forces Brigade Bama, where they will be profiled and undergo rehabilitation.

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