Diffa: ISWAP killed 11 farmers in Niger 


By: Zagazola Makama


Atleast 11 local farmers were shot dead by militant from the Islamic State of the West African Province(ISWAP) in the southern part of  Toumour in Niger...

Diffa: ISWAP killed 11 farmers in Niger 


By: Zagazola Makama

Atleast 11 local farmers were shot dead by militant from the Islamic State of the West African Province(ISWAP) in the southern part of  Toumour in Niger...

Nigeria: Bandit-terrorists demand N200m for 45 abductees from S/Kaduna church

Southern Kaduna Peoples Union, SOKAPU, has said there was still no breathing space for communities in Southern Kaduna, as terrorists, jihadists, bandits and armed...

ISWAP  kills 2 Boko Haram Commanders, Abou Hamza, Abou Ibrahim As it foils Another on it positions 

By: Zagazola Makama 

The Islamic  State of the West African Province (ISWAP), has eliminated two officials of Boko Haram...

Northeast: Emerging trend of kidnap worrisome, Zulum says as Governors meet in Gombe

Borno State Governor, Babagana Umara Zulum, has described the emerging trend of kidnapping across the northeast geopolitical zone as a worrisome situation.


29 terrorists killed as ISWAP, Boko Haram, clash again in Borno


By: Zagazola Makama 


Again, the fighters of the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) has attacked its rival faction  the Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah...

Boko Haram Chief Executioner, family surrender to the Nigerian troops


By: Zagazola Makama 


A Chief executioner of the Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād, aka Boko-Haram,  Bashir Bulabuduwaye, who was responsible...

Again, ISWAP Kills 23 Boko Haram in a Deadly infighting


By: Zagazola Makama 

At least 23 fighters of the Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād, others wise known as  Boko-Haram have been killed in an ambush by...

ISWAP Kills 8 Boko Haram in a rival clash in Borno
By Zagazola Makama 
Another fierce battle between Abubakar Shekau-led Boko Haram and Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) broke out and has led to the death of 8 fighters including a middle...

Military Kills 3 Commanders of ISWAP, Sores of fighters in NE

By: Zagazola Makama

Military fighter jets has struck a large convergence of terrorists  in the enclaves of the Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP) in the North East of...

ISWAP Fighters Bury 26 Terrorists Killed by Military bombardments at Ngala


By: Zagazola Makama


After sustained aerial bombardments and elimination of terrorists, surviving fighters of the Islamic State of West Africa Province...

Niger troops killed many Boko Haram terrorists, captured 2 alive and rescue hostages


By: Zagazola Makama


Nigerien troops fighting Boko Haram have raided a  camp of Boko Haram terrorists at Garin Wanzam, killing  many...

Nigerian troops ambush Boko Haram, Kills 7 in Borno



By: Zagazola Makama



Troops of Sector Operation HADIN KAI (OPHK) have neutralised seven Boko Haram/Islamic State West Africa Province terrorists in Borno State on...

Notorious bandit Boderi escapes by a whisker


-Loses prominent lieutenant, several other fighters


Notorious bandit Boderi Isiya has narrowly escaped being neutralized, while his deadly second in command and several other fighters...

Nigerian Military comfirms Zagazola's report said Troops Kill Over 200 Terrorists in N/East Communities – DHQ


The Armed Forces of Nigeria and other Security agencies from the various operational theatres across the 6 geopolitical zones of...

ISWAP attacks Boko Haram fleeing Military bombardment 



By: Zagazola Makama



The Islamic State of the West African Province(ISWAP), have attacked a group of Boko Haram terrorists and their families who came to...


Again, Nigerian troops eliminates 3 bandits recover weapons in Kaduna

In sustained operations to clear the North West of banditry and terrorism, troops of 1 Division, Nigerian Army have again neutralized bandits and terrorists along Sabon...

Atleast four people were killed including the Chief Imam of Gima, with several others sustained various degrees of injury when armed members of Boko Haram terrorists invaded Ngulde Community of Askira -Uba local government area in Borno.


Military Airstrikes Kills over 200 Boko Haram fighters, 5 Top Commanders 


By: Zagazola Makama 


The Boko Haram otherwise known as Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād,  an Islamic terrorist groups have again...

Bandits abduct many  worshippers in Zamfara mosque during Jummat prayer


Zagazola Makama


Armed bandits have abducted many  worshippers in the North West of Zamfara as they were observing Jummat prayers,"Zagazola...