The Minister of Communication and Media, Patrick Muyaya, said on Tuesday, November 22 that the French army aircraft that landed in distress on Friday, November 18 at Bangboka airport in Kisangani (Tshopo), was inspected by the services of the Directorate General of Migration (DGM).

He said it during a press briefing broadcast live on the national channel, the RTNC.

"It's a plane that landed in distress because one of the engines was threatening to catch fire. The temperature was abnormally high. The nearest airport where they had asked to land is Bangboka airport in Kisangani. The aircraft had nine crew members who came from Reunion Island, who were expected to pass through Bujumbura (Burundi) and then Ndjamena (Chad). It was a routine flight, "explains the Minister of Communication and Media.

According to him, contrary to everything that is said on social networks in the current security context in the eastern DRC, this plane landed in distress.

"According to the report that was made, the aircraft was searched or inspected by the DGM services in particular. There is no matter of panic. The aircraft is broken down and is waiting for an intervention that must come from Paris (France) to replace defective equipment. Moreover, our armed forces have taken care of the crew members, "concluded Patrick Muyaya.

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